Friday, March 25, 2005

Second List of 100

Another list of 100 because, well, why not?

1. My favorite movie as a kid was The Never Ending Story.
2. I thought Luke Skywalker was cuter than Han Solo. (What do kids know, really?)
3. I have been panning for gold in a river.
4. My eyes are green.
5. I used to wish my life were like a VCR with rewind and fast-forward. I am glad it wasn’t.
6. The worst kiss I ever got was while playing truth or dare.
7. I went to the Grand Tetons as a kid.
8. My favorite bedtime story as a kid was “Bedtime for Francis”.
9. I lose jewelry all the time.
10.I have not lost my wedding ring.
11.Someone stole my favorite stuffed animal ever.
12.I had a black lab that liked to go dunk in the river after pebbles my older brother and I would throw in.
13.I used to want to be so much like my big brother than when I was 5, I would never wear a shirt outside during the summer.
14.I once cheated on an eye exam because I wanted glasses.
15.I have 20/10 vision.
16. I used to have a really big tonka truck that was made out of some heavy duty metal. We had a driveway that was probably a 35 degree or steeper slope. It was about 20 feet long. I would ride the tonka truck down the driveway and use the insoles of my shoes as brakes.
I wore out those shoes quickly. They were pink Converse.
17.My dad was a produce broker for a while.
18. He would bring home so much watermelon, my mom would slice a whole one into fours and give each kid a hunk. My older brother and I would take ours outside. We would take a bite, chew it and then proceed to spit it at each other while laughing hysterically.
19.A really good friend of mine in 2nd grade had warts all over his hands. No one wanted to be friends with him. He had an Atari. (Not why I was friends with him. I liked him because he was different. His warts are what made him different.)
20. I suck at video games. I only like the story ones- like Crash Bandicoot and Little Mermaid.
21. Okay, just kidding about the Little Mermaid.
22. The first Disney movie I saw was Fox & the Hound.
23. It might have been the first movie I saw in the theatre.
24. I pronounce theatre like I am from Texas. I over enunciate.
25. I could turn the word born into a five syllable word.
26. I loved reading Harriet the Spy and Nancy Drew when I was a kid.
27. Oh, and The Babysitters Club and Sweet Valley High, too.
28. I went to Costa Rica without any family members at the age of 13.
29. I don’t like Quentin Tarritino movies. (See. I don’t even know how to spell his last name.)
30. I don’t really like Uma Thurman either. She seems stuck up.
31. My mom and I are a lot alike.
32. I am not going to eat unhealthy and not work out like she did. (Does.)
33. I get little skin bumps on the back of my arms. I don’t know why.
34. I had to get my ears pierced three times when I was a kid because I would never take the earrings out and skin would grow over the back. My mom would have to take me to the doctor and have them taken out.
35. I learned after two times.
36. I used to own several pairs of Rocky jeans. (Cowgirl)
37. I never went to the hospital for anything until I was 16. I went because I had let a sore throat turn into Scarlet Fever. I was having too much fun to complain. I didn’t want to have to stay home.
38. My favorite ice cream flavor is peppermint- but only with the real peppermint candies inside.
39. If I get a Blizzard from Dairy Queen it is either a cookie dough with extra cookie dough or a strawberry, banana and coconut one.
40. My 2 deadly weapon foods are spaghetti and enchiladas.
41. I used to like mayonnaise on hotdogs.
42. Now I like mustard on hotdogs.
43. I don’t like to watch football or hockey.
44. I do like to watch baseball and basketball.
45. Hotdogs give me a headache unless I make them at home.
46. Marshmallows give me headaches, too.
47. My older brother told me a dog turd was a marshmallow when I was 2 so, according to him, I ate it. (I guess it was so old it was white.)
48. I believe him.
49. I always tell that story to people before they meet him because he always tries to tell that story. I take the wind out of his sails by beating him to the punch line so to speak.
50. When I was growing up, I beat up my little brother so much my mom threatened to send me to foster care.
51. It just proved my point that he was her favorite.
52. I like real wood floor in a house the best.
53. The floors in my house are saltillo tile.
54. I think jalepenos are good.
55. My grandpa used to make the best cactus jelly.
56. He died from cancer.
57. He was the first person I ever knew that died.
59. The second was Josh Mullins.
60. I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach like when you are descending in an airplane quickly or drop on a roller coaster really fast when I wrote #59.
61. For some reason, the girls I was friends with in high school were all sluts.
62. When I was about 4, my dad started to call me pumpkin. I thought he was making fun of me (like calling someone a booger head, I guess.) and I would cry if he said it. He didn’t call me pumpkin for long.
63. I used to own multiple colors of jelly shoes.
64. I used to throw my brother’s pocket knife at trees with him. (I guess we didn't have darts.)
65. I hate being spun. Like on a tire swing or on someone’s shoulders. It freaks me out.
66. The only bugs that creep me out are cockroaches.
67. I am a photo nut. I have them all over my house.
68. I collect elephants.
69. I’m not even sure that elephants are my favorite animal. Someone wanted to know what I collected because they were going on a trip and wanted to get me something. Elephants is what popped into my head. So I have a whole collection now.
70. I used to wish I could fly.
71. I swear I flew around my room once when I was supposed to be taking a nap.
72. My parents once gave me the choice of skipping a nap or staying up late to watch Superman. I skipped the nap. I made my mom miss quite a bit of the beginning of Superman by crying my eyes out because I couldn’t stay up to watch Superman.
73. I don’t like Superman movies all that much.
74. I didn’t get into SuperHeros much at all except SuperGrover.
75. I think my favorite Sesame Street characters growing up were Bert & Ernie.
76. I never had an invisible friend.
77. My dad was going to school when I was small. He used to tell me to be quiet so he could study and I could not run back and forth through the dining room. So I would see how far I could slither on my belly until he noticed me.
78. I remember making homemade bread all the time with my mom in the kitchen.
79. Our black lab consumed a loaf of bread that was on the counter cooling.
80. My first joke ever was, “I guess that’s why she’s called a pure bread. (bred)”
81. I hate playing softball.
82. I will play softball if that’s what everyone else is doing because I would rather play than be bored or watch.
83. I love plumeria flowers. (Thank you Maui.)
84. I read voraciously.
85. I still have the same dresser drawers that I had in 5th grade. (And I don't mean somewhere in the house tucked away. It is still my primary dresser.)
86. The first song I remember loving (all on my own) was “Dyin’ in Your Arms Tonight”. I don’t know what band sang it.
87. The second song I remember loving (obsessed was more like it) was “Can you take me High Enough”. That was by some butt rock band.
88.bI loved Def Leppard.
89. VanHalen 1984 was the first whole album I ever listened to. It belonged to my older brother.
90. We went on a family road trip. My dad bought me and my older brother a tape, our choice. I chose Top Gun. He chose Lisa, Lisa & the Cult jam.
91. Somehow by the end of the road trip he had convinced me to trade.
92. I have never been on a boat.
93. The first time I went snorkeling was less than a year ago.
94. I like sunsets better than sunrises.
95. I don’t like the cold weather
96. My older brother left at 18 to go into the army. I wore his fake leather jacket everyday.
97. Somehow it got set on fire in choir. It was fine but I cried and cried and cried.
98. I like the idea of gardening.
99. The flowers in pots in the front of my house are all plastic.
100. I don’t get along well with my mother-in-law. I feel she picks on people's faults.

Please comment on Confessions of a Christians main page.

The First 100

List of 100 Miscellaneous Facts about Amber
1. I learned to talk in Texas. I still have words that have a drawl to them.
2. I think getting a boob job is stupid.
3. I do not like the taste of beer or wine. Mixed drinks only.
4. I was a blonde growing up. I went to a dark “sable” a year and a half ago.
5. I do not like ham.
6. I do not like McDonalds, either.
7. The only diet drink I like is Diet Dr. Pepper.
8. Chips are my downfall.
9. I grind my teeth when I sleep.
10. I still sleep with stuffed animals sometimes.
11. I call my dog “handsome”, not cute.
12. I used to be a clean freak. Then I got married.
13. I got married at 22. I never wanted to get married. I met J and it was right.
14. Some dreams in my life have changed my decisions.
15. I always wanted to leave my small town. I left. I came back.
16. I hate Wal-Mart. I much prefer Target.
17. I prefer Safeway to any other grocery store.
18. My wardrobe primarily consists of items from Lerner’s New York and Ann Taylor.
19. I get my hair done every six weeks. It costs $75.
20. I almost always drive over the speed limit.
21. I drive a Honda. My first car was a Honda.
22. I have three siblings.
23. My parents are still married.
24. My dad is a pastor.
25. I have done almost every drug with the exception of ones that require a needle.
26. I don’t want kids. Neither does my husband.
27. All of our friends from before we were married have kids.
28. Most of my dad’s family is overweight. I fear becoming fat. I have always been the skinny person.
29. I grew up in the church. From the age of 16-20 I hated God.
30. I like to flirt so I try really hard not to.
31. This is a long list…..My favorite color growing up was blue. Now I don’t have a favorite. I like them all.
32. I have a homosexual uncle.
33. I think most of my family members are good looking.
34. I like country music. (Not exclusively but in addition to)
35. I paid to have my dogs trained.
36. I pay to have someone kill our weeds in the front yard.
37. I used to have someone come clean the house so I wouldn’t fight or be mad at J.
38. I do not like clutter. It makes me tense.
39. I like to organize things in a row or into patterns.
40. I usually eat one kind of food at a time.
41. I do not like to hang up clean laundry (or put it away).
42. I was pregnant once at the age of 18. I considered getting an abortion. I had a miscarriage.
43. I have never been East of Mississippi.
44. I have been to 3 other countries.
45. I can speak Spanish pretty well but only if I think no one cares.
46. I never went to high school. I got really good grades.
47. I went to college so I could quit getting into trouble.
48. I did not like other females before college.
49. My favorite fruit is oranges. It is the food I crave most often.
50. I like to laugh.
51. I cannot tell jokes well.
52. I like to write but I don’t think I am very good at it.
53. I am not afraid of anyone or anything.
54. I believe in God so strongly that I think things can be changed instantly because of Him.
55. I believe God is not a Him or Her, but it all we have for language.
56. I was born in California.
57. I had my first boyfriend in 4th grade.
58. I did not have any friends in 6th grade.
59. I started getting hit on at the age of 12.
60. I did modeling (small stuff) as a teenager.
61. I once hypnotized a girl and she freaked out. I cannot even begin to explain because it was some X-Files stuff.
62. I am good at hypnotizing people.
63. My mom thought one of my dogs was sleeping all day. It had been dead all day.
64. I do not like people to ask for the first of anything that is mine or the last of anything of mine.
65. I do not like people in my personal space, therefore riding on an airplane and being nice is hard.
66. I would rather be hot than cold.
67. I do not floss.
68. I was a tomboy growing up.
69. I taught my dog to climb trees.
70. I liked to play in the creek.
71. My dad used to spank me when I broke rules.
72. My Big Wheel got stolen. It was pink with tassels.
73. I like to cook.
74. The first time I baked I made muffins with ½ cup of salt instead of ½ teaspoon of salt. I ate the whole thing. It tasted horrible.
75. I shared a room with my sister all the way through high school and even during college summers.
76. I used to wear lots and lots of blue eye shadow and very big earrings and my hair’s bangs would be very tall.
77. I think when kids get into a room together, the room smells bad afterwards.
78. I prefer Oust over Lysol.
79. My husband has four vehicles.
80. I don’t like cats very much.
81. I used to chase boys with snakes when I was small.
82. I once convinced my brother’s friend to give me the password into their boy’s clubhouse.
83. I once gave my older brother a bloody nose by making him run into a tree while blindfolded.
84. My big toenail fell off twice in three years when I was a kid.
85. I hit my teeth on the side of the pool during swimming lessons when I was five. My big front tooth grew in crooked.
86. In sixth grade I was disqualified in a writing competition because the judges thought the poem I wrote was plagiarized. I wrote it.
87. In Junior High I would wish the bus would just keep driving on the way to school in the morning and never come back.
88. I rode the short bus in high school because the handicapped kid lived next door, the bus was quiet and air conditioned and the seats were bigger.
89. I have been in a lot of fights.
90. I was the block bully in elementary school.
91. A friend of mine wasn’t allowed to swim in the neighbor’s pool because she was black.
92. I lost my virginity because all of my friends were having sex and I wanted to be “in the know”.
93. A whole house party broke out into a huge brawl because two guys were fighting over me. 94. Honesty is very important to me.
95. I have not always been an honest person.
96. I have a scar under my chest from going over a picket fence at the age of 16 when I was at a party and the cops showed up.
97. I would ride my bike all over town even as a teen before I got my driver’s license.
98. The school bully befriended me in 7th grade. No one picked on me anymore. She dropped out in 8th grade when she got pregnant. People started picking on me again.
99. In high school people started liking me.
100. I have never broken any bones. I had stitches once for slamming my chin on the river bed in Sedona.

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